Senior Dental Care

When we think of dentures, we may think of our grandparents whose teeth are placed on their nightstand. Whether that is from gum disease, tooth decay, or injury, dentures benefit the appearance and cosmetics of the mouth. Seniors are at a higher risk of oral health problems. As we age, our oral health can suffer…

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! As a society, we place emphasis on good oral hygiene and it seems that this focus is reflected in the sheer amount of toothpaste, floss, and toothbrushes we use each year. Here are the statistics: 1) Dental Floss: Over 3 million miles of dental floss is purchased annually in North America which…

12 Days of Dental Hygiene

One Box of Floss: – Boxed floss is the traditional method and can reach into every crevice, ensuring that the entire mouth is kept clean. Two Daily Brushings: – It is important to brush your teeth in the morning and at night with fluoride toothpaste to remove food and plaque build-up. Three Minutes of Brushing:…

Stages of Tooth Decay

Tooth decay occurs on the hard, outer layer of the tooth. There are five stages of tooth decay and the levels vary depending on severity. 1. Stage One: White Chalky Spots When initial demineralization occurs you might see white spots appearing on your teeth This visual that occurs is showing the areas of mineral loss…

The type of toothbrush you use matters!

There are a few general categories when it comes to toothbrush bristles.There is extra-soft, soft, and medium. Soft toothbrushes are generally recommended if you have no dental concerns. Toothbrushes that are too firm can negatively affect your teeth and damage your gums. It is also important to find a toothbrush that is comfortable for you…

Brighter, Whiter and Delicious!

We all like tips and tricks to make our smiles healthier, happier, and more appealing. Scheduling a checkup every 6 months to ensure your gums and teeth are healthy is top of the list! Brushing at least twice a day is too. But did you know just a simple visit to the grocery store could…